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February 15, 2002 - 2:05 p.m.

First Lenten Friday... and it doesn't feel like Lent at all to me this year.

Pregnancy excuses me from fasting and abstinence, so I'm happily eating away this week. I don't give up things like chocolate or sweets, which is good this year since my Sweetie gave me a nice box of Godiva last night (and an eye pillow filled with lavender! Mmm!) but I have not yet gotten into the Lenten attitude yet.

Ideally, I get off the computer and read (which, you can see, is working really well at the moment) something "good." Benedictine monks used to hand out books over Lent so that each brother in the order could spend his time reading and focusing on God. But what to read... I suppose I could always fall back on one of the Gospels... but then I have to pick which one. Maybe John. I'm feeling kind of metaphorical.

In the secular world, Zachary continues to impress me. Yesterday he grasped the concept of "2." This morning, he walked over and proudly informed me that his diaper was dirty. He's also getting more interested in sitting on that potty chair. I think it's almost time to break out the training pants...


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