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February 26, 2002 - 1:48 p.m.

No more shopping at Linens n Things.

Second purchase - second trip to return it because something was wrong. I really ought to check the box before I buy anything there.

Last fall I bought a box of dishes. When I unpacked it at home, one of the bowls was broken. So I called and was told to bring back the broken bowl and they'd give me a new one. But when I tried that... they had no more bowls in that pattern in stock. So they took my contact information and told me they'd order one for me. A few weeks later I get a call that the bowl is in and I should pick it up within 48 hours. That annoyed me - putting a time limit on pickup for an item I'd already paid for.


This weekend I bought an organizer for the bathroom cabinet - the kind that slides out on a track. This one was missing the hardware to install it.


Back to Linens n Things this morning, toddler in tow. There was only one more box on the shelf - the top shelf (grr), but I opened it and checked it before I left. Everything appears intact.

But I felt obligated to justify the trip out to Virginia Beach Blvd. by doing some other errands. There are a couple of March birthdays in the family that I need to shop for... but that's easier said than done with Zachary along.

The Hallmark store was right out - too much fragile stuff on low shelves and those kiss-kiss bears are everywhere.

Barnes and Noble, which was more of a bathroom break than shopping, was only marginally better. I found a copy of Ackroyd's Life of Thomas Moore (an excellent book, which I began just before Zachary was born, but didn't finish before I had run out of renewals at the library) on the bargain table, but didn't buy it. 1. I'm supposed to be shopping for others and 2. The checkout line was too friggin long to stand there with Zack. And he was already antsy and wanting lunch.

So we ditched shopping entirely (at least he saves me money) and returned home for lunch and naptime... which I really ought to be getting to before Zachary is done with his.


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