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February 26, 2002 - 1:30 p.m.

I just finished ordering flowers to send to my aunt in Ohio. My Uncle Dencil, the tax expert I mentioned a few entries back, died yesterday morning from lung cancer. He was 71. That age almost looks like a misprint. I never thought of him as that old.

Dencil was retired navy, brash and a bit of a loud mouth, but kind. We only visited them a few times, while my Grandpa was living with them. Dencil tried to teach me to play chess, but he wasn't a good instructor nor was I an attentive student. I just liked the chess set, which had knights in full plate armor and queens in gowns with flowing sleeves.

He bought me a Christmas ornament while we were there, too - half a walnut shell with a little wax angel in it. A few years later, it got packed into the wrong box and the angel melted in the attic.

And They made long trips to come visit us - when Daddy was in the hospital recovering from a stroke and again the following month for my wedding. Catherine and Dencil were the only members of my father's family that did.

My parents are on their way out there now for the funeral. I think this may be the first time Dad's seen his siblings since Grandpa died, about 5 years ago. The best I can do right now is just send flowers.


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