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March 04, 2002 - 1:13 p.m.

I think Rhiannon started this one...

What Mythological Creature Are you?

On the homefront: Zachary is now experimenting in echolocation. He spent most of the weekend asking "Mama? Mama? Mama?" for no apparent reason other than making sure he had my attention. A few times he climbed up into my lap and put his cute little face right into my field of vision. "Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama?"

Mike finally succumbed to the cold he's been fighting all week and spent a lot of Saturday on the sofa. This is not, however, the ideal place to get some rest when there's a toddler around. He was not immune from "Daddy? Daddy? Daddy?"

"Hush, Zachary, Daddy's sick."

"Daddy, sick! Daddy? Daddy? Daddy? Tickle Daddy!"

He also takes the book title Hop on Pop rather literally. On Sunday, Mike decided to stay in bed.

Mike's also been teaching him to sing Old MacDonald and lets Zachary choose the animals in each verse. Zack gets a little hung up on one or two, however, so there's a lot of ducks and cats on the farm. Once Mike tried to get him to choose something new.

"And on that farm, he had a ..."


"No, we just did cats. What else?"


"No, we've done ducks. What else?"

Zachary pauses a moment in thought.


No wonder Old MacDonald has to keep replacing those cats and ducks...


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