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March 05, 2002 - 2:23 p.m.

I'm Rogue
What X-Men Character are You?

Well Ah do declare, Sugah! Looks like you're everyone's favourite Southern Belle: Rogue. You're beautiful, charming and tough as nails, but you've got a romantic streak as wide as the white in your hair. Yup, it appears you've got it all, except for the fact that you have to keep people at arm's length all the time and then angst about it incessantly.

Well, at least the two-tone hair fits - even if mine is a little more spread out.

This weekend I finally went out to get my hair trimmed. Saturday mornings are a pain for that sort of thing. The place was fairly crowded with other walk-ins, like me, and even the lady who was using up an extra space for her coat and purse wasn't willing to make room for the pregnant one to sit down.

I'd love to say I'm just not showing yet, but who am I kidding?

When it's my turn, the stylist takes a long look at the frosting of white in my hair and asks "Did you do these highlights yourself?"

I had to confess that my hair is just sort of "highlighting" itself.


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