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March 07, 2002 - 12:43 p.m.

(Updated 1:20 pm)

Zachary just continues and continues to impress me. Yesterday he pointed to the buttons on his shirt and announced "Blue buttons!" He then added that he also had "black pants," both of which were correct. We've been working on colors for a while now and I think he's finally gotten it sorted out.

This morning we went to the library for a couple new books to read. I was hoping the second Marcus J. Borg book I had requested from Central had arrived, but not yet :( We did find Zachary a Thomas the Tank Engine collection, though, and he's only asked me to read it to him five or six times since we arrived home. Maybe seven.

The weather's gone from frigid to balmy this week, so I'm thinking of things we can do outside after his naptime today. There are some great parks nearby, but I'm doubting my ability to keep up with him. Pregnancy can really put a drain on your stamina...

I'm debating a bit on joining the recreational center up the street. It's cheap for VB residents - something like $35/year, which beats the Y hands down. And they offer some pre-schooler activities that I think Zachary would enjoy (as well as give him a chance to socialize with other children). He's too young for all but one of the programs right now, but one is better than nothing and he'll be able to attend more after his third birthday. But I wonder how much use I'll get out of the place without hiring a babysitter. Something to think on...


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