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March 08, 2002 - 12:50 p.m.

Nearly 70 degrees today. I have no excuse to be in the house.

As Zachary and I had breakfast over Sesame Street, I debated over what to do today - park or aquarium. We packed a bag of snacks and other essentials and headed out. The parking lot at the Marine Science Museum didn't look too bad, so I decided we could spend a little time there this morning. I probably should have heeded the school buses parked there, because the best exhibits turned out to be packed with 10 year olds. Some of the rooms were too sophisticated for Zachary to enjoy, but he never really got to the Touch Tank, which I think he would have liked immensely. He did get to pet a horseshoe crab and see lots of fish and sea turtles, though, which were probably the highlights of the morning for him. He particularly liked the turtles.

After an hour and a half, we were both worn out and in need of a snack, so we skipped the marsh exhibit (the majority of the school groups were headed that direction, anyway) and went to sit down for a cereal bar and juice box.

I'll know for certain I got my money's worth if he naps this afternoon :) I know I need one...


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