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March 28, 2002 - 5:14 p.m.

Maundy Thursday. I regret that I'll be missing church services tonight - the Triduum is the most sacred time of the liturgical year. But it keeps Zachary out past his bedtime and I have no babysitter.

I'm also completely worn out. My third trimester has just begun and already I'm exhausted from climbing a flight of stairs. Zachary was up extra early this morning - I assume because I had an early obstetrician appointment yesterday and when he woke at his usual hour, Momma was gone. Even his grandparents aren't a suitable substitute for Momma right now. By the time I got home (two hours later - I had to wait in the doctor's office for my glucose test) he was determined to neither let me out of his sight nor take a nap, lest I vanish again. So this morning he got up at 10 til 7, just to be sure I wasn't going to sneak away again.

He's been a leg-hugger all day, though he's willing to "help" me with the laundry, vacuuming, and even hard boiling some eggs for this Sunday.

I always enjoyed dying eggs, even though egg hunts with the real thing is probably a waste of food. This one, I expect, will be indoors. It's supposed to be about 60 degrees and raining most of the weekend- which also means it's too cold for Zachary's new Easter clothes I bought last weekend.

A new outfit each Easter was a tradition in my family growing up. We dressed up for Easter Sunday like no other day of the year: hats, gloves, lace-cuffed socks. And, invariably, the temperature dropped ten degrees on Easter Sunday morning and my sister and I would shiver all through Sunday School and church in our new pastel cotton dresses, hats, gloves, and patent leather shoes.

I am eternally grateful that my parents didn't attend outdoor sunrise services.

With this in mind, I bought Zachary an outfit with a sweater to go with it.


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