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March 29, 2002 - 7:57 a.m.

Well, we may be getting closer to choosing a baby name. Don't expect me to announce it here before the baby arrives, though. You will all just have to wait. Think of it as something to anticipate this summer after Survivor 4 is over ;)

Conversations with my husband over all this have been interesting, however. Here's an amalgamated sample of the past week:

"You think Gregory would get too redundant with Zachary?"

"Maybe. But I don't like Greg. Reminds me too much of the Brady Bunch."

"I doubt any of his classmates will be fans of the Brady Bunch."

"I still don't like it. What about Sean? Like Sean Connery."

"No, I went to elementary school with a Sean. All the other kids called him "Scene."

"They'd stop after 3rd grade."

"Sure, but it would be really annoying until then. I like Ian better."



"People would think we're naming him after Thomas C--."

"We don't even hang around with Thomas C--. I've never even met him."

"Yes, you have."

"Well, I don't remember it... How about Daniel?"

"Daniel's ok."

"Wait... don't you have an uncle named Daniel?"


"Would that cause a problem?"


"Well, maybe not Daniel. I'd hate for him to be sung "Danny Boy" all his life."

"What's wrong with "Danny Boy?"

"Nothing - the first dozen times. What about Stephen?"

"I have a first cousin named Stephen. Hey - how about Justin?"

"No, too modern. I mean, can you picture a silver-haired old man named Justin? But Julian is nice."

"We don't know anyone named Julian."

"I thought that was the point.... We could name him Spencer."

"Oh, right. He'd be a wuss."

"Spencer Tracy wasn't a wuss."

"And he's been dead how long?"

"Ummm... about 35 years."

"So you want to name our son something no one's used in a century."

"Hey, I could be pushing to name him Horatio."






"You're ignoring me, aren't you?"



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