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April 03, 2002 - 2:38 p.m.

Zachary has a cold again.

He was sniffling a bit when he went to bed last night, so, being the worried mother, I checked on him periodically through the evening. Just before I was going to bed, he had developed a fever, and a pretty high one at that. (My son, the over-achiever) I called Mike in off the computer to help me check his temperature and Zachary vomited on him. (Way to take one for the team, sweetie.)

We got Zachary to take some tylenol, changed him into lighter pajamas, and brought him some diluted juice and he did alright for the rest of the night... or at least until 6 am. A couple hours later, I took him by the drug store for children's cold medicine, pedialyte, grape juice, and tissues. Then we drove to Hardees for biscuits and hash browns, but he was mainly interested in the orange juice. He had, of course, been snacking on animal crackers in the store.

He's taking an extra long nap this afternoon. I'm sure he needs it. I do, too.

My obstetrician's office called yesterday. My glucose test came back in the normal range, but he wants me to take additional iron supplements. I'm a bit anemic. It means another pill to take (and a lot more fluids) but perhaps this will get my energy level back...


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