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April 01, 2002 - 10:34 p.m.

Alright, alright. Thanks to everyone who signed the Guestbook with their comments on baby names. But after this weekend and two hours with the self-designated family genealogist who suggested all kinds of things I'd never remotely consider (yes, it turns out that "Ezekiel" was a popular name in one branch of my family), I'm done with it for a while.

I've also been meaning to thank everyone on their compliments on my diary and banner. The banner is actually Colin's doing. He's climbing the walls that I get more feedback than he does. If you visit his diary, whatever you do, don't sign the guestbook. It drives him crazy ;)

Easter was, as predicted, cold. And rainy. Zachary and I attended church with my parents in Richmond. (Mike had driven to NOVA for two friends' confirmation on Saturday night, stayed up too late, slept in too late to make it back in time, and nearly missed all the holiday festivities.) I may have mentioned before that my parents are Baptist and I was raised Baptist, so it was kind of fun to revisit familiar liturgy and sing hymns I've known all my life, but I think yesterday's service was the longest in Virginia Baptist history. It was well after 12:00 when Dr. Slatton finished his sermon and when we stood for the Hallelujah Chorus, Baby Boy shifted right onto my bladder. That did it for me - fortunately, I had noted the ladies' room by the stairwell below the sanctuary on the way in... Hallelujah, hallelujah.

After lunch, Zachary happily launched into hunting for Easter eggs, which I had "hidden" (for a 2 year old, this means setting them out in plain sight) around the living room. Next year, I think I'll use plastic instead of hard boiled eggs, though. Zachary enjoyed tossing them roughly into the basket too much and my parents are probably going to find glitter around their living room for months. (Note to other parents out there - the dye kits with glitter look pretty, but are much, much messier than you will ever imagine.) Besides, next year he'll be old enough to enjoy finding what's inside them, too - and his mother won't worry about him choking on M&M's. I'll just worry about his little brother getting hold of them. This year, Zack got a chocolate fudge bunny, which is giving him quite an appreciation for the stuff. He's never seemed very interested in chocolate before now. I'd like to think that's the reason he's stopped napping and seems to be getting through until bedtime with no problem, but he was doing that last week, too. Zachary is giving up his naptime. What timing!


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