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April 12, 2002 - 1:33 p.m.

Zachary kicked me out of his room today.

Every afternoon he has a scheduled "quiet time." Sometimes he naps, sometimes he looks at books or plays quietly. But our routine has always included a little time at first with Momma reading to him.

Today we finished lunch and went upstairs. Zachary chose Horton Hears a Hoo off his bookshelf and carried it into bed with him. I sat down beside him to read, but he shook his head and gave me a little push.

"Momma," he smiled, "go downstairs."

I was a little baffled, but he pointed to the door (still grinning) and proceeded to turn pages in his book. OK, I thought, but I expected him to be calling for me before I was down the hall.

He didn't. Now he's curled up with his blankie and his Pooh Bear, asleep.

I'm not sure how to feel about this...


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