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April 14, 2002 - 12:11 a.m.

I wish I had brought my camera today.

Genie and Jeremy came by this afternoon with The Kite. This is one of Genie's new toys - a four meter sail capable of pulling a buggy over the sand. There are a whole set of steering maneuvers for the thing, too. It's rather impressive. And there was a good wind today, so they invited us to come play and we took it out to Sandbridge.

Although the weather was sunny and mild at my house, just a couple of miles east at the beach it was cloudy and gusty - good kite flying weather, albeit a little nippy. I really should have brought a jacket. Ah well - I'm not native to this region. I'll learn these things eventually.

The Kite is emblazoned with e=mc² and an image of Einstein sticking out his tongue, as if to say "Go ahead, discover how puny you are compared to the power of physics." Jeremy's not a small man and as soon as The Kite was in the air, it started dragging him through the sand. But, I'm told, that's the whole point.

Genie took the reins and Jeremy held her around the waist, both of them digging in their heels against the pull of The Kite as they sat on the beach, both of them grinning ear to ear. That's when I wished I had brought my camera - not because I thought they looked silly, but because they were having a wonderful time. I don't have enough pictures of my friends in moments like that.

Zachary thought the whole thing was amazing. Mike held him and he echoed everything Mike said.



"Oh my!"

"Ooh my!"

"Look at that!"

"Look at dat!"

I think I'll be kite shopping for him soon - but for a much smaller, toddler sized, little "k" kite.


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