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April 17, 2002 - 1:08 p.m.

Zachary's having a demanding day.

He woke up this morning in a pretty happy mood, climbed into the chair by the computer and began tapping keys on the keyboard, chanting "!!"

After that and breakfast, we read a book that mentioned "cupcakes." Zachary was off to the kitchen immediately.

"I want cupcake! I want cupcake!"

Then we watched Sesame Street. Cookie Monster prompted him again.

"I want cookie! I want cookie!"

But my favorite occurred while he was watching "Elmo's World." The subject of the day was "sleep." Zachary stood up and started for the stairs.

"I want go to sleep! I want go to sleep!"

Well, he was still in his Batman pajamas but it didn't take him long to change his mind on that one.

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