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May 06, 2002 - 7:59 p.m.

Some days, things just work out your way.

My mother called this morning to check on how her grandbabies were doing (and asked about me, too) and mentioned that she was on her way out to do some errands. On a whim, I asked if she planned to go by Target and if she could check to see if the local store in Midlothian carried the Weemote. It's on their website, but, hey, if I can save $5 shipping and mishandling...

Footnote for the uninitiated in parenthood - The Weemote is a universal, programmable remote made for children who enjoy flipping channels on the tv (or just pushing the buttons) and parents who would like to prevent said children from being exposed to The Jerry Springer Show for as long as humanly possible.

Mom calls back a couple hours later. Yes, she found the Weemote - and it was 50% off. Sweet. Now if I can just keep Zachary from reprogramming our television until this weekend...

Mom, awesome woman that she is, also sent me a spiff new temporal scanner thermometer that I'd been eyeing for a while. Since Zachary has more earwax than the average three children put together, the kind that measure temperature inside the ear won't work with him. He's too little for an oral thermometer and getting too big to use a rectal unless it's absolutely necessary. This one just swipes across the forehead and behind the ear to read temperature and it's getting some very good reviews.

Mission for this week: find a fabulous Mother's Day gift.


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