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May 09, 2002 - 10:36 p.m.


I'm dragging today. Tired. Tired. Tired. Maybe I forgot to take one of my iron pills. I actually stood in the bathroom this afternoon, holding the box and trying to remember if I had already taken one. I seemed to recall getting them out of the medicine cabinet earlier... or was that last night?

A prenatal vitamin and two iron supplements seem to be more than my brain can organize right now.

Sure, you're thinking, just take one with every meal, right? I would, except my doctor recommended avoiding eating or drinking anything with calcium at the same time I take the iron (slows the absorption). And breakfast is cereal, lunch generally involves pizza or cheese (I eat with Zachary) and dinner includes a glass of milk. So I try to take them in off hours - midmorning, midafternoon, before bed... which causes all kinds of confusion for the disorganized mind.

I don't know what could possibly be arresting my attention lately...

Today, Zachary and I discovered how much of the kitchen floor can be covered with a pitcher of apple juice (more than you can possibly imagine). And I got a follow up lesson on how difficult it is to clean apple juice off the kitchen floor. Two buckets later, still sticky. The ants ought to like that, though. Perhaps it will keep them out of my dishwasher, even though I secretly hope the vermin will find a way to break it so I can get one that actually does a decent job of washing the dishes. But they have to do it soon. The household warranty expires in July.

P.S. Thanks, Rosemary, for the heads up on the "previous - next" links. I don't know what was wrong, but juggling the font and anchor tags seems to have fixed it...


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