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May 11, 2002 - 6:58 a.m.

6:30 am on a Saturday and I'm wide awake.

In fact, I've been up for nearly an hour and a half now - fed and walked the dog, cleaned out the kitchen sink, run the dishwasher, showered and had breakfast.

I think I'm turning into Thjora...

She's the only early riser I know - up at dawn, every day.

I'm amazed my eyes will focus at this hour.

Well, since it's nice and quiet and Zachary will not (I hope) be up for a while yet - here's the news from the world of the Bookgirl:

Zachary used the potty yesterday! It was more of an accidental use - he enjoys sitting on it because it means getting a chocolate chip cookie afterward and he'll do just about anything for a cookie, even pick up his toys. So yesterday he was happily fidgeting on his potty while I tried to keep him entertained with "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and other games and suddenly - tinkle! I don't know which of us was more surprised.

I applauded and he danced around the kitchen, yelling "Yea! Potty!" and clapping his hands. It was so cute I almost wish it were on video, although I doubt he will eventually like the idea of evidence of his toddler self dancing around the kitchen with no pants yelling "Yea! Potty!" immortalized on tape.

Just a hunch.

The other moment of adorable toddler cuteness came later in the day when I tried (unsuccessfully) to get him to take a nap. Zachary's favorite book at the moment is a huge collection of Winnie the Pooh stories - lots of text and sometimes he actually sits and listens to it being read. Generally, however, he turns the page before I've read a quarter of it, resulting in a very disjointed story. Yesterday was one of those days and after a while of constant page turning, I gave up reading and let him just look at the pictures. Zachary would smile and point to "Chwis'pher Robin" and "Pigwet" and the other characters in the illustrations and seemed to be having a wonderful time until he realized I wasn't talking as much anymore and that didn't seem right. Momma's always supposed to be talking when there's a book open.

"Momma," he grabbed my hand and pointed my finger at the illustration of Owl's House. "Read the pictures!"


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