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June 04, 2002 - 8:23 p.m.

I've been having some fun watching Zachary interact with other children his age this week.

Yesterday we went to Red Wing Park before lunch. Mondays seem to be play group days over there and the playground was filled with toddlers, most of them around age 2. Zachary doesn't have any vocabulary for "children" yet. He just refers to anyone under four feet tall as a "baby." So I had to repress a chuckle when he strode over to a little blonde girl by the slide and greeted her with "Hello, Baby." I crossed my fingers that the girl's mother wouldn't turn out to be a wacko and start sexual harassment accusations.

Although most of the children were entertaining themselves and not playing together much, Zachary eventually teamed up with another little boy to run around in circles, bang on things with sticks, and attempt to make more noise than an F-15 taking off from Oceana. They had a rudimentary "follow the leader" game going with the other boy usually deferring to Zachary to lead.

Today Zachary and I went out to run some errands, which included going by the local Pak-Mail to send a parcel out. It's closer to my house than the post office but whether or not I save any time by going there is contestable. I always seem to end up behind the person who hasn't prepared anything they're sending to go out. Today it was a lady with her two boys, sending a couple of birthday presents to relatives. After she had the gifts boxed and shipping labels printed, she called her sons over to sign the cards she was including in the packages... And there I stand with my sealed, addressed, padded envelope just waiting to give someone the $1.80 for postage.

One of her sons was a little red-haired boy - the stereotypical fair, curled and freckled child. He was so much taller than Zachary I thought he was at least 4, but the following conversation revealed I was wrong:

Zack: "Hi!"
Other Child: "I two!"
Zack: "Hi!"
Other Child: "I two!"
Zack: "Hi!"
Other Child: "I two!"
Zack: "Hi!"
Other Child: "I two!"

I think they could have done that all afternoon.

The conversation must have struck up some camaraderie between them, though, as they hugged and waved bye-bye enthusiastically when his mother was finally finished and taking her boys home.

And the latest test:

which monty python and the holy grail character are you?
this quiz was made by colleen


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