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June 03, 2002 - 8:57 p.m.

Ugh - pregnancy and Mexican food. Bad combination....

On the up side, the computer's back home. CompUSA is ordering a new drive so we'll be taking it back to get that installed in a few days. But at least I'm not disconnected from the rest of the world.

How odd, and a little disconcerting, that I feel isolated without an internet hookup...

Congratulations to Andrew and Sorcha on the birth of their daughter yesterday! :) Can't wait to see some pictures!

Things here have been relatively quiet. I was having a lot of sporadic contractions late last week, but that's slowed down - though Baby Boy hasn't. Even balled up in the little space he has left in my abdomen, he's still finding ways to wiggle and squirm. Often. Zachary got a kick out of watching my undulating stomach this morning and pointing out "Baby Brother."

En route to the park this weekend with Mike and Zachary, I noticed a street sign in our subdivision. Parts of the division have themes to them and this one is devoted to literary names. Anyway, as we passed the corner of Tennyson and Bierce, I had to grin. I suppose a "never the Twain should meet" comment might be over the top?

Yes, you're probably right.


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