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June 09, 2002 - 2:42 p.m.

I was never a patient child (a trait my son has inherited). The key phrase I remember my mother uttering over and over (and over) again to me growing up was "patience is a virtue." It was her way of telling me to sit down, shutup and wait.

Wednesday afternoon I had my weekly checkup and pelvic exam, which resulted in some surprising news. Without going into the details of cervical dilation and effacement, I'll just say that my body is pretty well set to go into labor ... whenever that might happen. And doc hinted he wouldn't necessarily expect me to still be pregnant by the time of my next weekly appointment.

Well, I called Mike. I called my mother. I got in touch with Genie and Caitlin to line up short term babysitting in the event my mother can't make it to Virginia Beach before I have to go to the hospital. And now I can't call anyone without prefacing the conversation with "I'm not having contractions."

Lots of "false" labor. No steady contractions.


I shouldn't be in such a rush. Baby Boy is much easier to care for where he is right now - and I'm getting a bit more sleep (but only a bit). Zachary's started cutting a new set of molars (what timing!) which makes him cranky and clingy. And in future years I may be quite content to have both my children's birthdays outside the schedule of the school year, even if this one will eventually ask to invite his entire graduating class to his 18th birthday party.

But right now I have to live with the knowledge that any day, any hour could bring the first labor pangs - and I have no idea which day or hour over the next two weeks or more that it could be. I just wish I could have it done with so I can stop worrying about it.

Patience is a virtue... Patience is a virtue... Patience is a virtue...


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