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June 11, 2002 - 8:26 a.m.

I wonder how many google hits the title of this one will get me...

Another potty training success yesterday. Zachary has spent the past few days practicing taking off his diaper. Over most of the weekend, all he would do was remove it, toss it (his mother thankful that only the wet ones got this treatment) and go on his merry way, pantless.

Yesterday afternoon, he decided to compound this by taking off his shirt, too. Happy little toddler, playing with his blocks, au naturale.

This is one of those things that you just kind of overlook as a parent, so long as he's not at a public park or in the snow. There are more important battles to fight...

...Until you hear that happy little voice say "Make pee-pee!"

It's never clear if this is a statement of intent or a incident report. Fortunately, this time it was the former and I had enough time to usher the pint-sized nudist to his potty, where he sat for a while before coming back to claim his cookie - and well deserved it was. One more tinkle in the potty :)

The PC goes back to the shop again today for CD ROM drive #2...


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