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June 14, 2002 - 2:05 p.m.

You know that lapse of memory you have when doing something so routine you've ceased to pay any attention to it? It's the sort of incident akin to pulling into your driveway and realizing you can't recall any details of the drive home. I keep having that experience with letting my dog into the backyard. I remember letting him out, for certain, but have no recollection of letting him back in. There he is, however, snoozing under the kitchen table.

My mind's just on other things.

Yesterday I completed a rough outline of Zachary's daily schedule for my parents as well as three entire pages of directions on how to use our television and satellite receiver. I've tried showing my Dad the esoteric combination of buttons on the remote required to just change channels, but, like me, he works better with a manual.

All this to cover two days while I'm in the hospital.

Still no progress toward delivery. I visited my doctor again this week and I remain on the precipice of labor, just waiting for a good push... which doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon. Statistically, my doctor told me on Tuesday, the baby should come before my next scheduled visit, but that's what they said the week before.

What can I say - I defy conformity.


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