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July 06, 2002 - 9:45 p.m.

So far, not bad. We're tired, but doing alright. Marcus is thriving. Zachary's jealous, but not every minute of the day. Mike and I are irritable around the edges from lack of sleep, but coping.

Too much has gone on in the past two weeks for me to write out a complete narative, especially right now when I need to catch up on my rest rather than sit at the computer. So I hope this summary will do for the moment:

  • As one friend put it, it would figure that a short labor would happen from 3 to 7 am.
  • It would also figure that it would be my obstetrican's night off. (I'm two for two now on being delivered by a doctor I'd never met before.)
  • Zachary brought me flowers in the hospital - his idea! (He saw them in the gift shop on the way in.)
  • Upon returning home, it took nearly a week to get Marcus to sleep in his crib rather than while being held.
  • He still doesn't sleep well until about 4am.

Thanks for everyone's congratulations and well wishes :)


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