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July 11, 2002 - 2:56 p.m.

It's difficult to type with one hand, particularly while rocking a baby in the other, so my updates may be few and far between for a while. Zachary and Marcus are both napping at the same time for once, so I have a few minutes to write before one of them wakes up - probably Marcus. He has an aversion to sleeping alone.

We're gettign just enough sleep to get by right now. Marcus actually wants to sleep about 4 hours at a time in the early morning hours (after about 2 am), but his pediatrician wants him awakened to eat about every 3 hours... neither Marcus nor I relish this. He usually falls asleep again in a matter of a few minutes only to wake me an hour later when he's really hungry.

Lots of getting in and out of bed for me.

Zachary's Nana brought him a new Winnie the Pooh computer game which has captured his attention. I had to pry him off the keyboard to eat lunch and take a nap today. He handled his Daddy's return to work alright yesterday with only one temper tantrum and seems to be getting back into the old daily habit again - with the addition of baby brother, of course.

They've both woken up from naptime.... back to work!


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