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July 24, 2002 - 1:57 p.m.

Figures. One week until my birthday, wishlist requests already sent to my husband and parents (we all learned long ago that specificity is the key to gift shopping) and I find this. Ah well, there's always Christmas ... or the occasional shopping fix.

I'm running on a couple hours of sleep today. Marcus, after snoozing so excellently yesterday evening while we played scrabble with some good friends, decided to keep us up until 2:30 in the morning, then called for me again at 6:30 am. I was so happy to successfully breastfeed this baby, now I can't wait to introduce the bottle next week so I can at least get a break once and a while...

Zachary charmed me this morning, showing off how bright he can be. He loves to play with his wooden blocks (hand-me-downs from a few of my old toys that my parents kept around). He's been reading off the letters for more than a year now, but this week he began reciting the words he's learned from the plethora of alphabet books he has: "A is an apple!" and "I is an icicle!" He varies them, too. C is a cat or a cake. D is nearly always a dinosaur, but it could be a doll. X is an x-ray or a xylophone and I'm really hoping he remembers that it's also a Great King Xerxes (from The Edward Lear Alphabet) :)


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