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August 06, 2002 - 4:08 p.m.

Good God, almost two weeks since I've written! My time has blurred into one homogenized day of diapers, nursing, and fixing sippy cups of V-8 Splash...

My birthday last week was lots of fun. Mike gave me a copy of The Fortunes of Captain Blood by Raphael Sabatini and I've already finished it by grabbing random moments to read. Zachary and Marcus gave me a book of brain-teasers (for a little mental stimulation every day) and a book entitled Libraries in the Ancient World that I can't wait to find the next few free moments to begin. My parents came by the day before and brought me yet another book, this one on keeping a journal (I thought it would aid me in improving my diaryland posts, but instead it's provoked me to write a bit on paper for my own personal amusement) and a pyramid-shaped reading pillow, which is quite spiff. Mike and I took the boys out for dinner that night to the Atlas across the street. (Friendly's was Zack's first choice, but it was packed and taking a waiting list.) I got a slice of key lime pie instead of cake or ice cream and it was delicious :)

In more good news, I've lost all 22 pounds of my pregnancy weight! I can now comfortably fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes. I'm thrilled :)

Marcus is growing by leaps and bounds, it seems. He's begun returning smiles and he's ever so cute. He has a little lop-sided grin - the right side of his mouth curls up higher than the left. It reminds me of Harrison Ford.

Zachary, I swear, is learning to read. He keeps pointing out words in books that I'm certain he shouldn't know. This weekend I picked up some flash cards with common words on them to show him in small increments, from time to time. I'm quite excited about him reading early.

The boys stir from their naps. Back to work!


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