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August 15, 2002 - 2:36 p.m.

This week the boys are making their first big road trips since Marcus's birth - staying at my parents' house. We drove up last weekend to watch the Carolina/Washington pre-season game, which was not listed in the tv schedule in Virginia Beach, and I brought them back again yesterday for an extended weekend visit.

Let me tell you, traveling alone with two small children is an experience. When there are two adults in the car, the one riding shotgun can handle the distribution of snacks, picking up dropped toys and blankets, and putting the pacifier back into the baby's mouth. Alone, however, you have to pull off at the nearest exit and get everyone settled and happy before returning to the highway. A ten mile stretch around Williamsburg went something like this:

  1. Zachary demands crackers and a juice box, so we stop at the next gas station to get his food and drink from the cooler.
  2. Drive around until we can find the onramp back to I-64, hidden a couple miles down a side road.
  3. Marcus (previously sleeping)stirs at the change in the car's movement and spits out his pacifier, which he begins crying for approximately .25 of a mile down 64.
  4. We pull off at the next exit to find the pacifier, wash it off and give it back to him.
  5. Back on 64.
  6. Marcus spits out the pacifier again. He's hungry.
  7. Extended break in the parking lot of Diary Queen plus $2.00 for a milkshake to keep Zachary happy in his carseat.

Diary Queen! And I was so proud of myself that I've never typed dairyland...

It took nearly an hour longer to get to Richmond than usual.

At least neither can say "Are we there yet?" for a little while longer.


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