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September 06, 2002 - 9:23 p.m.

Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn. What a week.

The boys both have the sniffles - worse for Marcus because it's his first time with a congested nose and it makes it difficult for him to nurse or lay on his back. I put the crib wedge in his bed last night and it seemed to help some of the time. The rest of the time he kept listing to one side or the other. He took all of his naps in his swing today because he could breathe easier there.

And Zachary the acrobat has another knot on his head. He took a header over the back of the couch last night, missing the carpet entirely and banging his head onto the hardwood floor by the back door. Kisses and a chocolate chip cookie made it all better and he's forgotten about it - and climbing on the back of the couch again.

The kid is also growing into a smart aleck. The night before last, Daddy was putting him to bed and Zachary asked for a drink of water. (A little background information - Zachary echoes what I say to him, "Say please" and "Ok," presuming there's a "please" from him in the middle. To save time now, he's just run it all together as "Say please. Ok." Mike's trying to break him of this.)

Zachary: Want some water.
Daddy: Say "please."
Zachary: Say please. Ok.
Daddy: No, just "please."
Zachary: Just please.
Daddy: No. "Please."
Zachary: No please.
Daddy: "Please!"
Zachary: Ok.

That was one of the brighter bits this week. Another was reading blackbear's dream about being an x-man. (Whatever you ate before bed, Blackbear, don't do it again.)

On the downside, someone I knew from the last Baptist church I attended died this week. If I had gotten myself better organized, I would have driven to Richmond for the viewing or service, but I just couldn't get there. I wasn't very close to him, but he and his wife were always very kind to me and I admired them a great deal. You meet few people who are truly good Christians, who carry within themselves the joy and peace that we all ought to cultivate. Mr. G- was one of them. He and his wife were retired missionaries and the experience had not left any jaded attitude in either of them. He was a quiet man with a powerful presence. Knowing he is gone somehow diminishes the world.


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