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September 18, 2002 - 8:35 a.m.

It's amazing how the number of small children in the house cuts your free time exponentially. My little boys are wonderful, but I can't turn my back on them for a minute to use the computer lest I find my windows decorated with crayon or (and I'm not kidding here) the television reprogrammed.

We have an odd setup of tv, vcr, satellite receiver, stereo, and dvd player all hooked up together with about 4 remote controls and an esoteric ritual required to switch between satellite or cable reception. It's complicated, but hey it works. Zachary delights in mucking it up. A year ago I took to calling it the TMS - Toddler Mischief System.

And Zachary also likes to "play" with Marcus. This usually involves attempts to push his swing (hard), dangle toys for him (smacking him in the face), or play "hide the pacifier." Last night a game of "catch" between Zack and Daddy went astray and Zachary had to have another lesson in What Babies Can't Do Yet.

But Zachary can also be a very sweet big brother. When Marcus cries, he tells me and goes over to hold his hand. When it's time for bed, he kisses his baby brother good night.

Marcus is also turning out to be a rather happy baby. He smiles a lot, coos and giggles, and is generally adorable - except when I try to capture it on film and then he turns all serious on me. I took him to have his portrait taken in his baptism gown last week and he smiled every minute save those when the camera snapped. Half a dozen proofs of a very stern infant.

Today already promises to be interesting. Marcus has been up since 6:45 and has required three changes on clothes. Though he's sitting next to me, yawning and blinking slowly, he refuses to go to sleep, which is pretty typical for him. (I'm stymied, folks. Anyone have a suggestion for a baby who won't sleep in daylight hours unless educaitlin is holding him?)

I think I hear the pitter-patter of toddler feet. Zachary's up and running....


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