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September 25, 2002 - 7:35 p.m.

My Granddaddy turned 80 on Monday. Since I hadn't visited since last Spring (before Marcus was born) I took the boys to see him.

Oddly, he hasn't changed much over the summer. He was actually more lucid than he's been in the past. He knew me - I could see the recognition on his face when I sat down next to him. And he smiled fondly at Zachary and Marcus and tried to carry on a conversation with me but kept losing his train of thought mid sentance.

Alzheimer's is a hideous disease. My Grandfather is trapped in his own mind. Even basic communication has become a route of dark paths and blind alleys. From time to time he finds his way out, but it's like something in there rearranges the street signs just when he does and he's lost again.


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