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October 07, 2002 - 11:04 p.m.

Marcus slept 10 hours last night! Of course, the trade-off with bf babies is being well-rested vs. waking up rather uncomfortable...

Tonight was my night to put Zachary into his pajamas, which meant dealing with the nightly fight over covering him with skin cream to combat his excema. I decided to distract him by attempting to teach him his age. He picked up "I'm two" fairly easily, holding up his thumb and forefinger (German style - another trait that I have no idea where he picked up) and I could have left it at that. But no. I had to get more specific, forgetting that toddlers will sometimes substitute words they already know rather than bothering with new ones.

Now I have a child who responds to the question "How old are you" by cupping his hands on either side of his head and informing me he's "two ears old."


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