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December 05, 2002 - 9:39 p.m.

I ought to be dancing the Happy Dance, but instead I'm holding my breath.

Our house went out on the Multiple Listing Service on Wednesday morning. Already we've shown it three times and have one offer. It's good, pending the inspection and appraisal, so, of course, I have ample things to worry about. And, should those pass by without a hitch, I have finding a new place to live and scheduling the move to fret over, followed by the move itself, getting all our utilities switched or set up, putting in the dreaded change of address with the post office (dedicated readers will remember how much fun that was last time), and settling in and finding a new pediatrician for the boys and physicians for myself and Mike... This whole season has been a long string of good news trailing worry in its wake. There hasn't been a moment to sit back and celebrate.

Now I see why my family is so plagued with high blood pressure and heart attacks. We ought to let it go and "worry about it tomorrow at Tara," as my mother often quotes. But we don't. We'd probably worry over having nothing to worry over.

Blech. Just writing this is exhausting.


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