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December 08, 2002 - 8:20 a.m.

  1. Sell House -check
  2. Pass Inspection - check
  3. Find New Place to Live

My task this week - hunt down and lease an apartment in western Fairfax County or eastern Loudon County. My wonderful and fabulous husband has already scouted out a few leading candidates but refuses to commit to one without my ok. We're looking into the compromise between apartment and rental home in some two floor townhomes. Most of our stuff ought to fit, once we've culled some of our older furniture that we had planned to replace in the next few years anyway... except for the stuff in the Closet of Doom and the garage. I was feeling pretty good about our ability to fit into less than 1300 sq ft until I began taking into account the pavilion, pavilion poles, my bicycle, colin-g's tools, armor, and workshop items, the filing cabinet, the sewing cabinet, eight or nine shelves of books, and various other "stuff."

Well, there's always that extra space at my mother's house now that she's sold my old bedroom furniture... Add #4 to my list: Finagle free storage out of my parents.

I'm taking tomorrow as an official vacation day. The boys are staying with Mom while I go to a labyrinth walk (kicking off Advent for me a week late) and put all this craziness aside for a couple of hours - one deep breath before the next lap.


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