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December 16, 2002 - 1:59 p.m.

It's a grumpy day. Zachary is crabby. Marcus is fussy. Neither gave me much sleep last night so I'm on a short fuse. I really wanted to go to Fortunatus this weekend but it just wasn't in the cards. And now I'm back in Va. Beach, slogging through my to-do list at the break neck speed of a lame slug. The only successful accomplishment is setting up an appointment to get my hair cut on Thursday. Most of my day has gone something like the phone call I made to the pediatrician's office this morning. Marcus and Zachary are both due for well baby visits at the end of the month so I thought I'd get them scheduled before the holidays. No such luck - all the slots are full though the end of December. Not a problem, really, I thought, since we still haven't received our new insurance cards. So I ask what's available in January. They don't know - they haven't received the doctors' schedules yet. Call back tomorrow.

Ah - and blackbear, sweet, sniffling, coughing Blackbear, drove over to put the rear seat back into the minivan for me so I can have extra places for the trip to Falmouth tomorrow. He also regaled me with another wild dream. (I think he's had too much cough syrup this weekend.) But now I'm set to go visit Aunt Myrtle before she moves to Maryland. She's managed to live alone for a long time but her family is concerned about her (she's 96) so one of her granddaughters is taking her in. I doubt I'll see her again after she moves, so I'm taking the boys by so she can see her sister's great-great grandchildren.

My great grandmother died when I was 9. She was in her mid-eighties. I envy my cousins who have had Aunt Myrtle and Aunt Agnes around so much longer. When you're 9 you kind of take family for granted.

Well, the real estate appraiser has arrived ... More news to follow.


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