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January 06, 2003 - 9:23 p.m.

And I once lingered under the delusion that it never snowed in Virginia Beach. Before Mike left for DC again on Sunday, he put the big ice scraper in my car. Silly me - I thought it was for after we'd moved.

I doubt we're in for this year's Storm of the Century, but there's enough to put a pretty blanket on the ground. Two hours west, there probably isn't a loaf of bread to be found in Ukrop's. I have no idea if the same irrational snow-bound panic sets in down here. There certainly didn't seem to be an unusual number of cars at the Farm Fresh this afternoon when I drove past.

Zachary will be excited in the morning. The novelty of snow may wear off after a couple of years in Herndon but, right now, it's still magical to him. I may have to bundle him and his brother up and take them for a little walk in it tomorrow, before it all melts away - if it hasn't already done so by 9am.

Hrm. He's going to need boots now - or something more insulated than a pair of keds... which, come to think of it, is about all I have as well.

Squish squish squish squish.


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