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January 09, 2003 - 11:06 p.m.

This weekend will be my last as a resident of Virginia Beach. I went to the Oceanfront once and to Sandbridge twice. I never found good Chinese takeout but Mike brought home excellent crab legs a couple times. I didn't get the chance to eat at the Pungo Grill or Pungo Pizza. And I have no idea if that's a good thing or not.

No more navigating the squeaky spots in the hallway to avoid calling semi-sleepy children's attention to me as I pass by. No more turning the thermostat up and down every morning and night to keep the temperature cool upstairs or warm downstairs. No more pool and spa maintenance. No more worries about hurricanes. No more driving through tunnels.

We're leaving good friends behind - blackbear, geniealisa, educaitlin, and the minivan samurai. Thanks to you all for making us welcome when we moved here, watching our children and our dog, and being such great people. I regret we didn't spend more time together.

The moving truck comes a week from tomorrow. Zachary and Marcus have decided to add their own bit of interest to the week by catching colds. Zachary has been stuffy and coughing since Monday, poor guy, with a bit of a sore throat as well. He's all mucous and attitude. Marcus just developed a cough this evening so I expect him to also have a case of crankiness by morning. Tomorrow will be constant demands for time on Momma's lap - and lots of sibling jealousy. So off to sleep for me... (as if on cue, Marcus starts to fuss...)

Here's a quiz to leave with you:
Which oft-overlooked LotR character are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

(Even the quiz forgot Radagast the Brown!!)


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