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January 14, 2003 - 8:08 p.m.

There are two things you don't want to have on moving day: 1) a cold; 2) snow. It appears that I am going to be blessed with both.

Zachary is finally over his sniffling and coughing. Marcus is left with only a runny nose. I have spent today within arm's reach of a box of Kleenex, hacking up half my body weight in phlegm, watching The Weather Channel in the two to three minute increments that it takes to rewind a Baby Einstein video.

Zachary has, incidentally, begun quoting Robert Frost. He picked it up from the Baby Shakespeare video that he and Marcus received for Christmas. He's been rolling his trucks across the floor, chanting "so dawn goes down to day, nothing gold can stay." Yes, you'd think that would be an image induced by cold medicine but the hardest stuff I've had today is honeyed tea.

But before I get back to packing (and the eternal question - how can my house still be such a mess when 1/4 of it is in boxes?) and nose-blowing, I'd like to beg a favor of all of you:

Pray, wish, hope, will, or barter however you like for good weather on Friday and Monday. You can even throw root vegetables from your roof to appease the Great Snow Hare of the Frozen North if you believe that to have the best effect. I'm not asking for much - just a lack of precipitation anywhere near the addresses I'm moving from and to. I'm sure there are little children in Florida who'd love to have it instead.

Thanks :)


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