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January 28, 2003 - 11:57 p.m.

Midnight. Tired. Hungry. Can't sleep.

I drank a cup of coffee while watching the State of the Union address. Big mistake. As daughtcalm put it, coffee does not keep you awake. It prevents you from going to sleep. There is a difference.

It's also keeping me from typing. I estimate I've hit the backspace key about three dozen times since I started writing this entry.

Zachary and I visited a new pediatrician. His skin is drier than usual, itchier than usual, and he's going nuts. He's been up every night at least once since Friday, scratching and crying. So I called around this morning and made an appointment with an office nearby.

Zack hates going to the doctor. He's fine in the waiting room, playing with the other children and exploring the place. Tonight I had to carry him to the examination room. He hid under one of the chairs. He fought having his shirt removed so the nurse could look at him. He cried and screamed and kicked. The nurse asked if he had a behavioral problem. That's had me on edge all night. But we got a new prescription for skin cream to try for a couple weeks to see if it works. If not I have to take him back to get a referral to a dermatologist.

Ugh. My eyes are losing focus. Off to bed.


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