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January 30, 2003 - 11:42 a.m.


I decided to tackle getting the proper decal for my car this morning. I called over to the main Herndon government line, got the appropriate number for the tax department, and called them - only to be told that I don't live in Herndon. Sure, my mail comes there but I don't actually reside within the limits of Herndon.

Fortunately, this saves me a trip into town to get a decal. I can just fill out the county application online. They'll even draft my checking account for the $25 fee.

Paying taxes in my bathrobe. I love the internet.

But, just to keep my convenience karma in equilibrium, the Cox Communications website flatly refused to accommodate putting my account on auto-payment. Wouldn't even let me look at my bill online. Nothing but a "please contact our customer service department at 703-"

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