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February 17, 2003 - 12:56 p.m.

The north wind doth blow and we shall have snow
And what will the robin do then, poor thing?

A reporter this morning declared our region in "the 6th worst snow in history." I'm sure he meant "recorded history," but I'll let that slide.

6th? What a slacker of a storm. Back in 1922, storms knew how to be storms ;)

I just stuck a yardstick in an unadulterated drift out back - 21". Mike's out cutting a path for the dog to do his business without dragging his belly though the stuff. Now he's on to taking care of excavating his car. The easy part - it's a dry cold so the snow is fairly easy to clear off. The rough part - snow still weighs a lot and it's dry enough to get blown up by the wind.

Toboggans look odd on my husband.

This was not how we expected to spend the holiday weekend, but it could be much worse than making snow cream and snacking on Valentine's chocolate.


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