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February 19, 2003 - 10:09 a.m.

It's beginning to be a nasty day.

After giving Marcus his First Breakfast at 7am, I shuffled into the kitchen to empty the remaining coffee from the pot (I woke with a need-caffeine-now headache... not a good sign) and was greeting by the odor of spoiling milk. Now, my sense of smell is less than sensitive. In fact, it takes a pretty pungent odor to get my attention, so I knew this was bad. The I-Cook-You-Clean system of dinnertime failed last night and the sink was stacked full of dishes. After I got them all into the dishwasher I found one of the malefactors - one of Zachary's sippy cups, unemptied and stinking. The other was 1/2 inch of milk in a glass left over from yesterday's fresh chocolate chip cookie binge.

But it didn't end there, oh no. I sat down to check my email and glanced out the back door. The snow was spotted in a five foot radius from the backdoor with dog feces. I swear, it looked like Solo had deposited 1/3 of his body weight out there. The apartment admin doesn't like it when we don't clean up after him, so, to avoid another nasty note taped to my front door, I pulled on my boots and grabbed a garbage bag.

Do you know what happens to dog droppings after they've sat in the snow in subfreezing temperatures a little while? Yep - they freeze. While this eliminates (no pun intended) the squishiness factor, it does require chipping at ice and snow to get the stuff into the bag. No fun at all. Within a few minutes I had numb fingers and a big bag of snow and poop.

On to diapers.... There isn't enough scented soap in the world to help me today.


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