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February 21, 2003 - 7:55 a.m.

Note to self: whenever possible, keep honey in glass jars.

I was roused this morning by Zachary's voice down the hall. "Where's Mama? Where's Mama?" Mike was just leaving for work at the time and kindly gave him directions. Within a few seconds there was a pajama clad toddler pulling the blankets off my head saying, "It's time to get up, Mama! I want to watch Thomas!" Over the baby monitor on the nightstand, Marcus concurred.

Diapers. Juice. Thomas. Playpen. Tea. Mike left me a cup of coffee in the pot, but I went for the box of green tea instead. Put the kettle on to heat and fetched the honey out of the cabinet and, as honey sometimes does, it had crystallized.

There was only an inch or so left and I thought about just tossing it and opening the new jar, but I remembered that honey could be melted in the microwave so I put it in for about 15 seconds to give it a try. And it worked. The honey melted. Problem is - so did the little plastic bear they honey was inside. Not a complete dissolution, mind you, just some collapsing around the stomach and ears.

Ding dong, the bear is dead....

So I ended up tossing it anyway. I'm not so thrifty that I was going to risk whatever melting plastic chemicals might have found their way into the honey. Blech.

The snow is melting. On the rare occasion it's quiet around here, I can hear the water running down off the roof and our upstairs neighbor's balcony. (They didn't bother to shovel it off.) The tops of the shrubbery are visible again. Maybe the maintenance staff will get to clearing the sidewalk in front of my door sometime today...

The boys and I made a quick run to the grocery store yesterday. (We hadn't been out of the house since last Friday.) After a year of adamantly refusing to sit in the cart, Zachary has decided he wants to ride in it again. The little car carts weren't available, so he had to walk. Marcus got his first chance to sit in the cart without his baby carrier - and discovered his feet hang at the same level as his older brother's forehead.

Yeah, we had fun. Another first - "Mama, make him stop!"


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