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March 03, 2003 - 11:47 p.m.

Someone hit my page today from a search for "marcus closet of shoes." What the hell was that about?

Yeah, I enjoy looking through my stats tracker every day. If it makes you feel a little uneasy that I can see your IPs and whatever google search brought you here, think about how I feel when I discover 75 individuals came by and no one signed the guestbook. (Who are you people?)

On to other things... It is now only a day away from Lent and I still haven't chosen my reading material. I've narrowed it down to Francis de Sales, Eusebius, or Paul's Letter to the Romans.

Well, there's still tomorrow.

My spring cleaning urge has kicked in a month late (probably because of the move) but instead of feeling motivated to muck out the closets and vacuum under the bed, I'm looking at my bookshelves with an eye to weed. The first victims may be the role playing books. I mean, let's face it - I'm 31, have two small children, can barely make it to the 11:00 news at night, and no longer have the ability to drink Mountain Dew in large quantities without uncomfortable consquences. And I never liked "Vampire: The Masquerade" much anyway. If I can find the time, the whole White Wolf stack may go up on before the week is out... After that I'll look through the others. My Hero Fantasy books are likely in unsellable shape, but some of the other stuff (like the Amber diceless system) were barely ever opened.

It's depressing, but at least I'll clear up some space for other books that may not just gather dust.


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