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March 05, 2003 - 2:22 p.m.

Wow. I'm nearly speechless at all the kind words left in my guestbook. Thank you. I am endeavoring to get to everyone's diary who left a URL and personally thank them. But, as with many things today, I'm having a few problems accomplishing that task without interruptions.

Mike is home today with a cold. Marcus is cutting teeth and cranky. Zachary is clingy. And I have a kitchen to clean, laundry to do, a Mass to attend, and this entry to finish.

It's all going very, very slowly.

So, to sum it up - Lent begins today. My mother kindly gave me a calendar for the liturgical season and I plan to include notes from it here on my diary on a daily basis (as best I can).

Ash Wednesday
A voice cries: "Clear a road through the wilderness for the Lord. Prepare a highway across the desert for our God." (Isaiah 40:3)

Think about how you spend time each day. Slow down, spend more time in solitude and prayer and with family and friends, less time shopping, watching tv, etc.

A little solitude's not going to be easy this year, but here goes...


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