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March 08, 2003 - 9:22 p.m.

There are days my geekness just tracks me down.

The boys were up before 7 this morning and quite ready for naps right after lunch. Rather than sleeping myself, I decided to take the opportunity to leave my parents in charge of my little angels, get out into the sunshine, and spend a bit of our tax return. I was in Bed, Bath and Beyond hunting though the bedding sale for sheets without hideous patterns when my cell phone rang. It was colin-g and puck-eater.

"What was the name of the river Caesar crossed?"

My brain was still calculating thread count for decent sheets. "You mean the Rubicon?"

It was bad enough that I was now doomed to humming that song from 1776 the rest of the afternoon. Puck-eater commandeered the phone with another question about Pompey, which launched me into a poorly Welsh accented "you shall find, I warrant you, that there is no tiddle toddle nor pibble pabble in Pompey's camp!"

By that time, Colin was back on the phone, thoroughly confused, as were the handful of people who were now perfectly happy to let me have the whole bedding section all to myself...

The freaky girl gets the last shams.

...for I have crossed the Rubicon, let the bridge be burnt behind me, come what may... come what may...


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