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March 09, 2003 - 9:23 p.m.

Old TS was wrong. March is the cruelest month.

Marcus woke me just before dawn this morning. Although I didn't appreciate it at first, I got the rare opportunity (because I prefer to be asleep at that hour) to enjoy the sun coming up and a peacefully quiet house while I nursed my growing baby and rocked him back to sleep. The little birds that visit my father's many feeders in the yard were awake as well, calling "peep peep peep," which loosely translates into "spring is coming, spring is coming."

It was an invigorating way to begin a Sunday morning.

As we left for church, the jackets stayed behind. The sun was shining and there wasn't a trace of humid weight in the air. The nursery class that Zachary visits at River Road spent the hour playing outside. I wish we could have worshipped out there.

And tomorrow it will be 40 degrees.



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