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March 17, 2003 - 11:45 a.m.

Well, it's official. The End is near.

Wild, wacky stuff. Prophecies of the end from a conveniently slaughtered carp.

Not that I blame these guys. If a 20 pound fish started yelling (in any language) and I already had a knife in my hand, my first reaction might well be kill it kill it kill it, too.

Just goes to show that a prophet is equally unwelcome in places outside his hometown (or pond ... or sea... are carp fresh or saltwater fish?)

Anyway, this prompted daughtcalm to ask "What does one do at the end times, anyway?"

Here are some suggestions-

  1. Drink all the beer in the fridge
  2. Run up the credit cards
  3. Run up the credit cards buying expensive beer, as, Daughtcalm quips, one shouldn't have a hangover for Armageddon.


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