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March 20, 2003 - 8:13 a.m.

Here we go. Because of the server changes last night I wasn't able to write immediately after the first missiles hit Baghdad, but that's probably just as well.

I hope that we did take out Saddam in the first salvo and this conflict will be brought to a swift and successful conclusion.

Marcus woke early today and is playing with his blocks in the floor. Zachary should be up any minute. He managed to stay in his own bed last night. Frequently, he's been climbing into ours at about 3 or 4 in the morning, effectively keeping us up from that point because no matter how many times we return him to his own room, he keeps coming back. Perhaps last night means he's finally getting through that phase.

Now if I could just get Marcus to sleep until 8:30 am.

Anyway, a friend sent me a URL last night where you can send a thank you note to our troops overseas. It's getting close to 7 million now. Drop by and express your thanks.


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