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March 21, 2003 - 7:37 a.m.

For a measly $2, I'm up and dressed at 7:30 am.

At the recommendation of FoxPhotog's lady, I decided to give the local grocery delivery service a try. The boys have both been cranky this week and it's been raining for approximately the past 36 hours - not exactly the sort of conditions in which one wants to drive to the Giant with two small children. So I'm choosing decadence... at the bargain price. There's a $2 discount on the delivery fee if you agree to be around to accept your groceries within a 6 hour window rather than the usual 2 hour. And this morning's begins at 7:30am.

I figure this will go one of two ways - either the deliveryman will arrive within the next few minutes, waking the boys, or he'll be here at 1:29, after I've remembered some errand I need to run this morning...

In the meantime, I'm checking the news and the diaries on my buddylist (perhaps I ought to make this early rising a habit) and drinking some green tea.

I feel almost obligated to talk about the war. It's so prominent in the media that to neglect mentioning it seems impossible. There are some reports today that Saddam's oldest son Uday was killed in the missile strike, but I have a gut feeling that Saddam was not. But I should mention that my gut feeling are often like my suggested short cuts while traveling - they aren't always right. I do worry every time that someone predicts that this will war will be "short" or "over quickly." It may, and I hope it will, but how many times in history has that been said before?

Zachary is up. On to mommy duty.


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