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March 24, 2003 - 11:26 p.m.

Well, Marcus may have said his first word today - Bye bye. He even waved while saying it. Sadly, the video recorder does not appear to be charged, so I couldn't catch the moment on film.

It was a typical day at home - two children wanting to sit in my lap at the same time, teletubbies on tv, dishes in the sink from the weekend, etc. I think I've managed to get most of it sorted out and have my fingers crossed that at least my little darlings will both sleep through the night this time. I'm not certain how much sleep I got last night between Marcus's leaking diapers and Zachary's continuous visits. All I know is that it wasn't enough. And I'm astoundingly foolish to be up typing when I ought to be taking the opportunity to get all the rest I can.

Right. So I'll skip my opinions on the "pampered, overpaid, unrealistic children" on tv last night (You probably noticed there was no fancy red carpet tonight. That'll send 'em a message.)

To bed then.


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